Hi, I'm Beth Hanson. Welcome to Housewife Harmony.
Housewife Harmony is set up to encourage christain wives and young ladies,(wives to be) to love their husbands and be the keeper of the home that God wants us to be.
I hope you find these ideas and personal challenges helpful and encouraging.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My salvation testimony

In the fall of 1993, my family had just finished a large home remodeling project. A heaping pile of rubbish from the project lay behind our home. My older brother Eric, who was twelve at the time, was sent outside to burn the pile. I was told to stay inside but I could watch from the kitchen door. As I watched the fire grow and consume the pile, hell came to my young mind. I was only six, but hell was taught in Sunday school.  "Is that what hell is like?"I  quickly asked my mother who was looking out the door with me. Mom responded, "Hell is much worse then that Bethany." Standing there my nose and forehead pressed against the window, I couldn't imagine anything worse then the terrible fire before me that was now scorching the trees that stood nearby. Despite even the rain that had begun to fall the fire raged on with such furry. Fear struck my little heart. Mom must have known what I was thinking for she sat me down at the kitchen table and shared the gospel with me. Being a child, I believed as a child, and I took in every word. Not that I understood every word, but I understood that I was a sinner. I understood that Hell was the penalty for my sin. I understood that Jesus was God's Son  and that He died on the cross for my sin. I understood that God would forgive my sin if I asked Him to and in doing so I didn't need to fear hell. Furthermore, I knew that I would have complete assurance that I would be in heaven when I die. On that day, that rainy, cold, miserable day, I understood, believed, and I repented of my sin. What a day! I am thankful for God's saving grace and for His continued working in my life!