Hi, I'm Beth Hanson. Welcome to Housewife Harmony.
Housewife Harmony is set up to encourage christain wives and young ladies,(wives to be) to love their husbands and be the keeper of the home that God wants us to be.
I hope you find these ideas and personal challenges helpful and encouraging.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Lord, Send me a husband.

For the single woman that follows this blog, I would like to encourage you to pray. Pray often for your future husband. But first I feel that I need to encourage you to enjoy your singleness. Don't be too anxious to be married that you miss out of the incredible season of singlehood. Use your singleness! Right now you have the opportunity to glorify God in ways that you wont be able to once you are married.
Here are some things to pray and think about concerning your future mate.
  • His heart. You don't just want a saved man you want a changed man that will lead a you and your family in a way that pleases the Lord. This also includes His values and priorities. If he does not put God first in your relationship before marriage this is a HUGE red flag!
  • His family. This is one that is many times over looked but you do marry the family as well. Pray for his parents and siblings and the relationship between you and them. Problems between you and the in-laws will cause problems between you and your husband almost 100% of the time.
  • His spiritual growth. A man who is constantly growing spiritually is the man you want! Pay close attention to his personal life. Don't just listen to what he says but watch what he does. His actions and priorities are results from his spiritual growth or lack thereof.
  • His protection. This includes sexual purity and spiritual battles that he faces. Pray that he will make good choices and stay far away from people and places that would encourage him to sin. A pure past helps to make a more pleasant future.
I hope you find this helpful. God Bless You!


  1. Great little Post, Bethany. Amen! <3

    1. OnlyByGrace31 is me, Dawn Fredo...LOL...I can't seem to upload a picture so you would know who it is ....so I am letting you know! :)

  2. thanks so much for posting this, Bethany! As a single girl I can say how hard it is to wait for the Lord to bring the right man. But even harder would be marrying one who doesn't place God first in his life. I have many ideas of what I want in a husband, and I think that we girls should have standards-biblical ones-for the kind of man we want to marry. But more important is that we in our singleness are doing the things which will prepare us to be the godly wives of the godly man we hope to marry. It's a struggle to keep my thoughts on my own heart, but that's where it needs to be right now. God Bless! Love, Leanna
