Hi, I'm Beth Hanson. Welcome to Housewife Harmony.
Housewife Harmony is set up to encourage christain wives and young ladies,(wives to be) to love their husbands and be the keeper of the home that God wants us to be.
I hope you find these ideas and personal challenges helpful and encouraging.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hospitality Pt.1: A basic overview

 1 Peter 4:8-10
8."Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:"
Romans 12:13
"Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality."
Websters dictionary 
hospitable- liking to have guests in one's home and treating them in a warm and generous way.
hospitality- a generous and friendly way of treating guests.

When having dinner/overnight guests a few things to think about would be..

1.To put your guests needs before your own.
 A. Ask them ahead of time if they have any food/pet allergies so you can plan a proper meal/'s and if needed, put  kitty/buddy away during the duration of hosting your guests.
 B. Their privacy. ( Having a separate guest bathroom, properly laid out guest bedroom and proper window treatments that they can put up or down to their liking etc.). If you are giving up a kids bedroom or the master bedroom for your guests, make sure the owner/'s of the room have taken out their necessary items for the duration of the guests stay. Going in and out of the guests bedroom to retrieve clothes,trinkets,books, etc. is a big no no! You want your guests to feel like that room belongs to them. If they feel they have no privacy they will feel uncomfortable. Your job as hostess is to make them feel as though they are home but with all the extra privileges as an honored guest.
C. Their comfort. If you don't feel comfortable sleeping on the bed or couch that you are planning your guests to sleep on, then fix the situation. Simply treat them the way you would want to be treated. Be sure to tell them where the dial is so they can turn up/down the heat/air if needed. If you have 400 thread count sheets...use them. And in cold seasons have an extra throw blanket or afghan on the bottom of the bed.
D. Good and honorable treatment properly due to a guest.  There are two basic methods/attitudes of hospitality to be aware of. I call them" The Be Our Guest" mentality and the "One Of The Family" mentality. I will be addressing both in Hospitality Pt.2 and 3.

2.A basic Guest Room check list...
  • Clean and tidy bed room
  • Fresh sheets
  • Bed side table complete with lamp, digital alarm clock and coaster
  • Dresser  and/or closet space
  • Nightlight for optional use. Also the hall leading to the bathroom should have nightlights on all night long.
  • Mirror
  • Box of tissues
  • Small trash can
  • Freshly folded bath and face towels
  • Drawable widow treatments for privacy
  • Bench or chair
  • Last but not least a Bible. If just about every hotel room bed side table can have a Bible in the top drawer, then so can yours.

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