Hi, I'm Beth Hanson. Welcome to Housewife Harmony.
Housewife Harmony is set up to encourage christain wives and young ladies,(wives to be) to love their husbands and be the keeper of the home that God wants us to be.
I hope you find these ideas and personal challenges helpful and encouraging.

Friday, May 11, 2012

gizzmo: Excalibur dehyrator

 This is a five tray food dehydrator from Excalibur. It can be found at Amazon for around $160.00 to $200.00. It is really simple to use and I have never had ANY problems with it or the turn out of the food. Right now I'm drying bananas and mangos. The secret to a great dried snack is ripe produce. Make sure it's at the peak of its flavor before putting it in the dehydrator.

1 comment:

  1. It looks wonderful, Bethany! I've never dried mango before... is it crispy or leathery when done? You must like it or you wouldn't be drying it.... I'll have to try it too. :) Dried pineapple is great too for when you find them on sale and in abundance. Great job!
