Hi, I'm Beth Hanson. Welcome to Housewife Harmony.
Housewife Harmony is set up to encourage christain wives and young ladies,(wives to be) to love their husbands and be the keeper of the home that God wants us to be.
I hope you find these ideas and personal challenges helpful and encouraging.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yummy Pancakes!

Banana walnut Pancakes!!!

A very happy hubby!
1 Cup Whole Wheat pancake mix
3/4 Cups Almond Milk
2 Bananas mashed
1 Handfull of Walnuts
1/4 Cup flaxseeds
1 tes. Vanilla extract

Being that my hubby has a special diet and I have taste buds....:-).... I have  to get pretty creative at times to find food that makes us both happy. These are super yummy!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My salvation testimony

In the fall of 1993, my family had just finished a large home remodeling project. A heaping pile of rubbish from the project lay behind our home. My older brother Eric, who was twelve at the time, was sent outside to burn the pile. I was told to stay inside but I could watch from the kitchen door. As I watched the fire grow and consume the pile, hell came to my young mind. I was only six, but hell was taught in Sunday school.  "Is that what hell is like?"I  quickly asked my mother who was looking out the door with me. Mom responded, "Hell is much worse then that Bethany." Standing there my nose and forehead pressed against the window, I couldn't imagine anything worse then the terrible fire before me that was now scorching the trees that stood nearby. Despite even the rain that had begun to fall the fire raged on with such furry. Fear struck my little heart. Mom must have known what I was thinking for she sat me down at the kitchen table and shared the gospel with me. Being a child, I believed as a child, and I took in every word. Not that I understood every word, but I understood that I was a sinner. I understood that Hell was the penalty for my sin. I understood that Jesus was God's Son  and that He died on the cross for my sin. I understood that God would forgive my sin if I asked Him to and in doing so I didn't need to fear hell. Furthermore, I knew that I would have complete assurance that I would be in heaven when I die. On that day, that rainy, cold, miserable day, I understood, believed, and I repented of my sin. What a day! I am thankful for God's saving grace and for His continued working in my life!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

7 way's to be hospitable outside of the home

 For those people who do not have their own home or do not have enough space to host people here are seven ways to be hospitable outside of the home setting.
  1. Making and delivering a meal or fresh baked goods for others/tired moms/ elderly or sick.
  2. Hosting a shower/party at a public place/church.
  3. Making a meal for pot luck dinners at church.
  4. Taking friends out to eat.
  5. Inviting friends for a picnic in the park.
  6. Car pooling for work and other events.
  7. Financing  missionaries to stay at a hotel.
Be creative and use the resources that you  have for God's glory! Hospitality is a more of an attitude then anything else. You can have all the space and resources in the world but if you lack the willingness for God to use you at any time to be kind and generous to others then all those resources are wasted in vanity.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hospitality Pt.3: "One of the family" style

The "One of the Family" style of hospitality is informal and laid back. This style is usually associated with family dinners,  backyard BBQ's, picnics, reunions and buffet style meals. It's truly the art of making one feel at home. For some families this is the only style they know and if you are invited to their home for dinner there are a few things you should know.

  • Don't expect to get waited on. If you sense the family style is present, get up and help yourself.
  • Ask if you can bring a dish to pass or just bring one.
  • A hostess gift may not be expected and may even make the hostess feel uncomfortable excepting.
  • Try to jump in and help the hostess with any preparation for the meal.
  • Always help with clean up.
  • Always show your appreciation with a big "thank you"!
The objective of this style is the feeling that you are one of the family. The worst thing you can do is to expect to be treated like a "guest".....yeah, been there, done that..... Believe me, you don't want to make my mistakes!  The key is to expect nothing from others, give freely to all, and you will never be disappointed!:-)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Test: Do You have God's view of Government?

 *To see if you have God's view of government, take this simple test and write your answers on sheet of paper.

1. It is not God's will for President Obama to be in office. True or False?
2. As Christians we have special permission to resist the governing authorities. True or False?
3. We need to stand against the " power" that the government when it is seems to be getting out of hand. True or False?
4.We are commanded to fear God. True or False?
5. We are commanded to fear the government. True or False?
6. President Obama is God's servant for our good. True or False?
7. President Obama's agenda is a part of God's overall sovereign plan. True or False?
8. God will pour out His wrath towards them that do not submit and respect to their authorities. True or False?
9. Complaining about taxes is justified for a Christian because God wants us to be good stewards of our money and the government keeps taking more then their fair share. True or False?
10. Paying taxes is optional for a Christian when it comes into God's work. True or False?
11. Calling our president  just by his last name "Obama" is disrespectful. True or False?
12. President Obama needs to earn my respect before I have to give it to him. True or False?

*Now, grade yourself with this answer key:

1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
8. True
9. False
10. False
11. True

* These answers are from God's Word. Read Romans 13:1-7

1. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have instituted by God. 2. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4. For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sward in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. 5. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6. For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hospitality Pt.2:" Be our guest "mentality

First of all, I feel that I should tell you that I'm not the perfect hostess nor am I the most gracious guest. In fact, my mistakes and misunderstandings of hospitality have been used more then anything else to teach me what not to do. My purpose in writing these articles is to help other woman to avoid making the same unintentional offenses that I have made. I just wish that I would have learned these lessons earlier....it would have saved   many others from being offended by my actions and myself much grief and embarrassment.
There are two basic forms of hospitality in the USA that I am aware of....(there are probably more but I just haven't discovered them yet). The first is what I have titled "Be Our Guest" style. The second style is what I have titled "one of the family" style (part three will explain). The "be our guest" style is based on a high respect for ones guest/'s and with that comes certain rules or proper etiquette. For example, guests get served first. If you have seen "The Beauty and the Beast" they sing a song called " Be our guest". One of the lines says...." tie your napkin round your neck sherry and we provide the rest. Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeurvre's, why we only live to serve...." and "For the company its never second best..." Anyways it's a great song, it shows how a guest should be treated simply because their your guest!
For the Hostess:
  • You should always honor your guests, whether they are a child, your family, friends or a dignitary. It is simply the right thing to do.*(1 Peter 2:17)
  •  Meals should be kept with your guests tastes and dietary needs  in mind. 
  • As hosts, your family's manners should be kept at a higher standard. 
  • The old saying "the customer is always right" also applies to your guest as well.
  • If they have a need, provide it. *(Proverbs 21:26)
  • If they break something, forgive it.  *(Matthew 5:7)
  • If they want to sleep in, let them. 
  • Never ask or expect your guests  to set your table, do the dishes or help you prepare the meal. Guests are guests, not the hosts and certainly not kitchen help. If they do ask and insist on helping you, let them, but never expect it. *(Acts 20:35, 2 Corinthians 9:7)
  • When it comes to correcting/disciplining your children, do so as descretly as possible. Never yell at or spank the child in hearing distance of your guests. Or at least not in the same room. This can make your guests feel very uncomfortable....yeah, Ive been there when the room gets deathly silent and no one knows weather to feel bad for the child or  ignore the awkward situation.
For the Invited Guest:
  • When you are the guest you too should be on your best behavior.
  • When you are first invited be sure to ask if she would like you to bring a dish to pass. *(Matthew 10:8)
  •  Don't expect to be treated like royalty, ask your hostess if she needs help in the kitchen. *(Proverb 11:25)
  •  Be mindful of where your children are and what their up to. 
  • Be thankful to the Lord and show your appreciation to your hostess with either a verbal thank you, thank you note, hostess gift or all three. *(1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 5:20)
For everyone:
  • "Treat others in a way that you yourself would like to be treated !"....this accompanied by love covers a multitude of sins.
I realize that what I have written is nothing new, just reminders, but don't we all need reminders of what is good and proper once on a while?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hospitality Pt.1: A basic overview

 1 Peter 4:8-10
8."Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:"
Romans 12:13
"Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality."
Websters dictionary 
hospitable- liking to have guests in one's home and treating them in a warm and generous way.
hospitality- a generous and friendly way of treating guests.

When having dinner/overnight guests a few things to think about would be..

1.To put your guests needs before your own.
 A. Ask them ahead of time if they have any food/pet allergies so you can plan a proper meal/'s and if needed, put  kitty/buddy away during the duration of hosting your guests.
 B. Their privacy. ( Having a separate guest bathroom, properly laid out guest bedroom and proper window treatments that they can put up or down to their liking etc.). If you are giving up a kids bedroom or the master bedroom for your guests, make sure the owner/'s of the room have taken out their necessary items for the duration of the guests stay. Going in and out of the guests bedroom to retrieve clothes,trinkets,books, etc. is a big no no! You want your guests to feel like that room belongs to them. If they feel they have no privacy they will feel uncomfortable. Your job as hostess is to make them feel as though they are home but with all the extra privileges as an honored guest.
C. Their comfort. If you don't feel comfortable sleeping on the bed or couch that you are planning your guests to sleep on, then fix the situation. Simply treat them the way you would want to be treated. Be sure to tell them where the dial is so they can turn up/down the heat/air if needed. If you have 400 thread count sheets...use them. And in cold seasons have an extra throw blanket or afghan on the bottom of the bed.
D. Good and honorable treatment properly due to a guest.  There are two basic methods/attitudes of hospitality to be aware of. I call them" The Be Our Guest" mentality and the "One Of The Family" mentality. I will be addressing both in Hospitality Pt.2 and 3.

2.A basic Guest Room check list...
  • Clean and tidy bed room
  • Fresh sheets
  • Bed side table complete with lamp, digital alarm clock and coaster
  • Dresser  and/or closet space
  • Nightlight for optional use. Also the hall leading to the bathroom should have nightlights on all night long.
  • Mirror
  • Box of tissues
  • Small trash can
  • Freshly folded bath and face towels
  • Drawable widow treatments for privacy
  • Bench or chair
  • Last but not least a Bible. If just about every hotel room bed side table can have a Bible in the top drawer, then so can yours.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A wife's calling

My last posting, I'm ashamed to say, was written more then two months ago. My faithfulness in blogging has weakened because of my own struggle with guilt or more accurately described as a feeling of hypocrisy. Here I have a blog with the intent to encourage wives and even single woman to be keepers of the home. To take pride in taking care of family and household needs. Now it looks as though I will be entering into the work force.  I will explain.  My brilliant husband, Erik,  was  asked to consider becoming dean of KSBT (Keystone School of Biblical Theology) several months ago. When he came to consider this position on a serious level, he mentioned to me that if he did accepted it he would want me and no one but me to be his secretary. I said no of course. " I am a house wife and have no desire to work....outside of the home anyways". To be frank I really thought he was either trying to tease me, knowing full well I'm grossly under qualified, or merely trying to be polite by asking me. But when he insisted that he was serious and wanted me to go to the office with him and be his assistant, my first reaction was something of a Moses plight. " Erik, are you crazy? You know cant do that! I cant type, I hate computers, I love being a housewife, its what I was called to do........no! " But saying no to Erik is loosing battle. As much as I tried to, Erik wouldn't take no for an answer. Instead, he used his big brown eyes and encouraging words to convince me that I could this. I walked away from our discussion so encouraged in the Lord, excited to work with him at KSBT and totally convinced that a wife's calling isn't to be just a housewife for him but rather to be their husbands helpmate and truly help them in any capacity that he desires her help.  If he wants her to be by his side, helping him with his work, or busy preparing sumptuous meals at home then that is exactly what she is "called" to do. I fully intend to continue to "keep house" for our small family of two. But I also intend to work in Erik's new office by being the helpmate to him that he desires me to be. With Gods grace I will be more of a help then a hindrance in the office. My office skills are sorely lacking but....with God ALL things are possible! I'm happy to say that though many changes will be taking place I will be continuing this blog. This is a passion of mine and I apologize for my inconsistency. Using this blog as a means to encourage christian woman to love God, their husband, family and home is something I know God would have me to continue with. God bless you all!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Apple Cake

4 Cups diced apples (6 apples)
2 eggs (beat with fork)
3/4 Cup white sugar
1/2 Cup olive oil
2 Cups all purpose flour
1 tes.salt
2 tes. cinnamon
2 tes. baking soda
2 tes. vanilla
1 Cup walnuts

Preheat oven to 350*.Mix all ingredients but the apples together then add the apples last. Dump the mixture into a greased and floured 13/9 pan. Bake for 25 min.

Tip: After you have taken it out and its cool enough, place plastic wrap on the top to help keep the moisture in. It's a super moist a delicious cake. Enjoy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Shade Garden, Part 1

 Last year at this time there was nothing here but an old, warped, wooden barrel flower pot and two undernourished shrubs. I tore out the barrel and transplanted the shrubs. Friends from church gave me shoots, baby plants and extra bulbs to create what I call the shade garden. the photos below are of whats' in bloom right now.
 Perry-winkle blue ground cover
 Bleeding heart (pink variety)
Young Japanese maple

Friday, May 11, 2012

gizzmo: Excalibur dehyrator

 This is a five tray food dehydrator from Excalibur. It can be found at Amazon for around $160.00 to $200.00. It is really simple to use and I have never had ANY problems with it or the turn out of the food. Right now I'm drying bananas and mangos. The secret to a great dried snack is ripe produce. Make sure it's at the peak of its flavor before putting it in the dehydrator.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My feet Love this mat!

 Do you find yourself standing in the same places in the kitchen or work shop? I highly recamend these rubber mats. They really save your feet and knee joints from unnessisary pain! Hint: Makes a great Mothers day gift!
                    I attached extra lining to help keep it in place. It can't move an inch now! I love it! I have three. Yeah, I know maybe a bit excessive but I've got happy feet! I have two in the kitchen. One in front of the cutting board and the other in front of the sink. My third mat is down in the laundry room. You see, we have front loaders and I have to get down on my knees alot. These mats can be very expensive (up over a hundred dollars) but I was given one and  I bought two at Walmart on sale for ten dollars a piece! My advice is not to exceed forty dollars for one, it can be done. Keep your eyes pealed.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Daily reminders from Paul (Gods Word)

1 Thessalonians 5 16-22

16. Rejoice evermore.
17. Pray without ceasing.
18. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
19. Quench not the spirit.
20. Despise not prophesyings.
21. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22. Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Getting rid of the green

Getting rid of the green was on my spring cleaning list and I finally got to it last week!  Warm soapy water and an old toothbrush did the trick. You can also use a bleach and water solution.I'm really pleased with the way the green lifted right off the white but I'll probably have to do it again in the mid summer and once again before the snow fly's. I let it go too long last year and it grossed me out all winter long. The picture up top shows you how bad it was and what a difference a little soap, water and elbow grease can do. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Think of your husband and read the following. Do you respect him? How about unconditionally? We are commanded to by God. And believe me, when you do unconditionally respect him, life is better....a lot better!
Respect: 1. to feel or show honor for; think highly of; look up to 2. to be thoughtful about; have regard for 3. concern; consideration.

An Acronym for respect in reference to your husband:

R -Reverence him
E -Entertain only good thoughts of him, not his short comings
S -Submit to his authority
P -Put his needs before your own
E -Edify him with your words and actions
C -Chose to love him, even when its hard
T -Treat him the way you want to be treated

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

gadgets and gizmose: Salad Shooter

 This PRESTO Salad Shooter puts out a lot of food in a short amount of time! It's the best way to cut, slice, shred and Julian your starches and vegetables. Its fast, easy and clean up is a breeze because it's parts are all dish washer safe.
Four pounds of carrots took me less then tree minuets to ripple slice with my salad shooter. I cooked up a couple servings for lunch and put the rest of the carrots in plastic bags and put them in the freezer for future soups or honey glazed carrots.
Ebay/Amazon this or look for it at yard sales. Its a great tool to have in the kitchen, especially if you like your veggies! (It also shreds cheese....Yummm)!

The light "bulb" finally turned on

 What began as an experiment............
Turned out to be a cheap way to beautify the breakfast room. I love when my experiments actually work!
You may recall from an older post that I bought tulip bulbs for less half the price in November. Well here is the results! I have two pots full of tulips that I will plant outside when they are done blooming. I'm never going buy bulbs in season and  pay full price again.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Breaking out the china

Want a fancy dinner for two at less than two dollars a plate? Brake out the china! I love the deign if the blue willow china that was handed down to us from Erik's Parents. While it looks stunning placed in the china cabinet, I still wanted to use it and enjoy it all the more.This year for Valentines Day, instead of going out,  I thought it would be nice to stay home and cook up a simple soup and bread dinner. I made the simple food fancy by spicing  up the atmosphere with my china, table cloth, runner, candles, and cloth napkins. Try it for a date night! Talk about a fun way to save money! Erik and I had a blast are looking forward to doing it again.

L'EQUIP Nutrimill for a modern "Henny Penny"

Making your own whole wheat flour is really  quick and easy  with this Nutrimill. The flour is fresh tasting and also easy on the pocket book. In the span of five minuets you can have five pounds of flour ready for use. Wheat berries can be baught in bulk and kept in sealed buckets to last a long time and help save a lot of money. If you often bake with whole wheat flour I recommend the L'EQUIP Nutrimill Multi-grain Milling.

  •  Over 20 cup bowl capacity (largest available)
  • Easy grip bowl, hopper, lid and control knobs
  • Worlds first variable, high speed, mill motor
  • 3xAirFlow for improved motor cooling and longer mill life
  • Stores easily
  • convenient cord storage
  • And much more
 You can find it at www.lequip.com
(If you wish to perches be sure to check with ebay and amazon to compare prices and get the best deal available).

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A spring cleaning check list

Everyone's spring cleaning list is going to look a little different. some long, some short, probably depending on how big your house, garage, yard is, etc. What I wanted to accomplish today was to give you a list of some things you may not have thought about but really should be done. If your list ends up being too long break it up and do one or two things a day or half the list and do another extensive cleaning in the fall as well.

  • Get rid of the junk! (As you go through the rooms make a pile of unwanted,old and unused items. Plan a yard sale or donate to a charity).
  • Vacuum and wash floor behind refrigerator and oven.
  • Wipe down cabiatry with a Murfy oil and water solution.
  • Wash the tops of fan blades, take down glass light shades and wash in hot soapy water.
  • Unscrew the vent in your dryer and vacuum out gobs of wayward lint. (not getting it out is a fire hazard.)!
  • Wash all plates and crystal in the china cabinet.
  • Brush away cob webs in corners. ( Wrap a cloth around a broom).
  • Wash the inside of the vanity mirror. ( toothpaste grime is not attractive).
  • Take down all curtins, wash, dry, and iron. (It's a pain but you will be so glad you did)!
  • Vacuum underneath the beds. (I'm always so amazed how dirty it gets under there and I always find about a dozen bobby pins).
  • Clean out toaster. (This should be done every month).
  • Scrub deck and/or porch. (Get the green off). ( also wash and wipe down all outside furniture).
I hope I gave you at least one new idea for your list. Be sure to set a goal....a realistic goal. Don't try to get everything done in less then a week. Pace yourself. Meals still have to me made, family time needs to be in the mix and most impotent of all, spending time alone with God has to be a priority. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Boxwood wreath

Looking through the latest catalogs, an attractive boxwood wreath kept showing up. Boxwood wreaths can be very expensive even if their made of fake materials. Before Christmas I was given some boxwood sprigs and instantly I new what I would like to attempt to make with them. A simple nine inch wire wreath backing from AC Moore cost about $3.00. The cream ribbon cost $2.00. I had floral wire. This little project took me about an hour. I made two and still have them both up on display. Their good for all seasons. Had I purchased a single boxwood wreath, of the same size, including shipping,  It would have cost me close to $25.00. With the left over sprigs of boxwood I placed them in an ordinary vase then insurted the vase in an opaque gift bag. I use it in the bathroom to add color and interest to the vanity. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

In sickness and in health

We all know how the familiar wedding vow's go. However, it's easier to say then it is to do. Take the part when it says...in sickness and in health. It sounds simple....but dose that include mental illness, paralysis, cancer, memory loss, and addictions? Yes.  Don't let circumstances cloud your view and leave you thinking that this statement is more complicated then it really is. In sickness and in health means exactly what it says no matter how hard it becomes. God gives grace, strength, compassion and understanding to those who ask for it. Love and honor your spouse today in sickness and in health.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Long Absence

I appologize to my readers for my long absence. Besides being busy as a housewife, I've also been battling an inner ear infection that was causing vertigo like symptoms as well as a really bad case of nauseousness. Yesterday we had work done in our bathroom....life has been busy, and I don't want to blog only to leave my husband and our house at bay, but you do have my apologies. I'll put up photos of the bathroom and how to have a fancy in home dinner date hopefully soon. Today is Erik's day off so I'll be much too busy watching "Road to Avonlea" and playing Monopoly to do anything more today. I love spending time with my man!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thank God for dirty dishes!

Thank God for dirty dishes
They have a tale to tell
while others may go hungry
we are eating very well
With health, home and happiness
I shouldn't want to fuss
next to the stack of evidence
God has been so good to us


Dishes....not my favorit chore. But singing this poem to the tune of the hymn "Little is much when God is in it", while doing the dishes, boots my spirits and gives me a thankful heart. God has been so good to us!! Thank you Lord!!

Spring Fever!

Yes, I have spring fever! Every year about this time, my love for winter and all the the snow goes right out the window! Spring and all it's splendors occupy my mind constantly. When pouring over the seed catalogs just isnt enough I begen planting things indoors and adding dirt to replenish old houseplants. Bulbs are really cheap after November and for good reason (you cant plant them in frozen ground) But planting them in pots for an early spring indoors is a great idea! It gives the kids a chance to see something growing closeup and it gives you the feeling that spring is here....mind games help to keep the spring fever at bay. Then after your bulbs have bloomed and the ground is soft enough outside, you can plant the bulbs outdoors for less then half the price.
Boraxo is a powdered soap with a gritty consistency to help wash dirty, grimy hands to perfection. Its the only soap I run to after gardening. It also works wonders to your hands after greasing your pans or baking with crisco. I keep a can at the kitchen sink as well as in the laundry room.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Soap and perfume sachets for your drawers.

Keep your clothes smelling fresh and fragrant long after the scent of the dryer sheets fades away. Put bar soaps and perfume sample sheets from the mail in your shirt drawers. Be sure to open the perfume sample sheets before placing them in between your shirts. Even if you don't care for the perfume itself, it makes your clothes smell great! I put the masculine scented ones in my husband's drawer.

The soaps in my drawer are from the dollar store. When they began to lose their scent I'll use them to wash my hands.....but they have not yet and they have been in my drawers for months!

Every time I put on a new shirt from the scented drawer, my husband notices the great fragrance, gives me a hug and says "Ummm,you smell good"!
Now that's housewife harmony!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Finances Before Marriage

Discussing faith, friends and favors is normal for a young couple. Good communication is vital for a healthy growing relationship. One mistake that many couples make is looking over the importance of discussing finances before marriage. Here is the beginning of a check list for what should be discussed and agreed upon concerning finances before you say "I do".

  • Budget together! Come up with a general budget for future home and life together. Add up how much you will make. Write up all foreseeable expenses (Loans,housing, car, utilities, clothes, etc.) Discuss how much you would like to go out to eat and what kind of vacations you expect to go on. This should all be included in the budget!HINT: Do not be embarrassed to ask your parents how much things cost as they can also help you think of things to put on the budget that you may not think about.
  • Saving and spending Philosophies. What splurges do you anticipate and how far will you go out of your way to save money. What loans do you want to get payed off first. Will you share each others loans? HINT: When you marry someone you marry their debt too! Don't diversify but rather unify in everything both the good and the bad! Share the burdens and the Joys of life, this will make you a stronger couple!
  • Who will be the CFO? Agree upon who will be the one to pay the bills, keep the records and balance the checkbook. Who will take care of the taxes? Hint: The both of you should know how to be the CFO but only one of you should do it. This way you minimize your chances of not getting a bill payed due to assuming that they did it.
  • Will you have a credit card? Hint: Don't! Get a visa debit card instead! Credit cards are a sure way to help you spend more money then you want to.If you have them now get them payed off at cut them up!!! think I'm nuts...just ask Dave Ramsey!
  • Financial Peace University! Go to www.daveramsey.com and learn about the biblical way to use your money. Erik and I went through it and we loved it. It's extremely helpful!
Hint of the day: NEVER ASSUME!!! Assuming that you and your man agree upon any issue,topic or philosophy without talking about it is dangerous as well as foolish!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cheap and Easy Topiary

An attractive ivy topiary is easy to construct and the design options are endless. I chose a simple circle shape for my window topiary to keep as much of the natural light in the kitchen as possible and still bring life and interest to the area. Any shape can be simply constructed by wire and training your ivy to grow in the desired form. From a simple cone to an elaborate animal shape, topiary's are alot of fun and if made with ivy its also easy on a shoe-string budget.
Clippings from a mature plant can be rooted and transplanted to start another topiary. Simply cut and place in a jar of rooting hormone. Roots will start to show after a week of being in the rooting hormone.
Don't have rooting hormone? No problem. I made my own from cutting a small willow tree branch up in tiny pieces and placing them in a small glass of water. Willow roots release growth hormones called auxins that will stimulate the root growth of other plant cuttings in water. This is just one more reminder of how Great a God we serve!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Making the Dough

Challah (A traditional Jewish Bread)

3/4 Cup Milk
3 Tb. olive oil
2 Tb. Honey
2 Eggs
3 &1/4 Cups All purpose flour
1 &1/2 tes. salt
2 tes. yeast ( Bread machine)

1. Add all ingredience in this order to your bread
machine.2.Set machine on dough cycle. 3.Divide dough into three equal parts.4.Braid dough starting from the center.5.Let rise on sheet with parchment paper. 6.Bake at 350' for 21 min. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

$41.00 Weekend Project

This is the transformation of a Salvation Army special! I'm very pleased with the results. I spent $30.00 on this makeshift console table, $7.00 on black rustolium paint, and $4.00 for two new brushed nickel door knobs. Here are some before and after photos to help encourage you to look for cheap makeover projects for your home!

Because we have our main phone on the top of this shelving unit, I needed to have posted notes close at hand. I stuck this self sticking set of posted notes on the inside of the left door. This way their close and convenient but not in sight. Lime green doesn't exactly fit in with our decor.

Sometimes you really need to use alot of imagination when searching for diamonds in the rough. Make sure that everything is doable. If your not handy, stay away from major fixer-uppers. Keep to a piece that only need's a new coat of paint and hardware.
This whole project was really fun. I can't wait to get my hands on another weekend project!

Dear Lord, Help me to be a Godly Wife

Due to all the positive responses from my last post "Dear Lord, send me a husband", I was inspired to write more on the topic of marriage. Here are five things that I hope you find helpful whether your married or still waiting upon the Lord for your other half to arrive.

  1. Unconditional Respect is HUGE! Respect is something everyman needs. When his wife is disrespectful in her attitude, words, or even non-verbal communications, he takes it personally and will respond harshly...almost 100% of the time. Unconditional respect is one of the biggest ways you show your husband that you love him! when you do this he'll respond to you in love and kindness. Don't shoot yourself in the foot....if you know what I mean.
  2. Admire him! This is also essential for a healthy relationship. Take a good look at your husbands best qualities( both inward and outward) and complement him daily! Woman are not the only ones that desire nice complements.
  3. Honesty really is the best policy! This goes before and after marriage!( In our first week of dating, Erik asked me many questions, trying to get to know me. I can remember being worried that I might give an answer that he wouldn't approve of. Turned out I was made for Erik and my honesty to his questions revealed that. Had I answered the way I thought he would like me to, I could have ruined our budding relationship.
  4. Help him! Find out (Ask him) specific tasks that he expects you to do to help him. for Example, I help my husband by preparing all the meals, keeping a clean orderly home, pay the bills, clean the laundry,etc. A wife was created to be a helpmate for her husband. If you find yourself so consumed with work that hubby and the house both get neglected, reconsider working outside of the home.
  5. Support him! As the head of the home, your husband has the God given responsibility to make the final decision. As wives, we have our God given responsibility to submit to our husband and that decision. Take my advice, submit and support your husband even if you don't agree. I have seen many times that my husbands decision turned out to be the best. I've also seen how God has worked in my husbands life when he makes the wrong decision. Remember, God has the power to change our husbands into better men, let Him do it. Don't try to take over and in the process miss out on a huge blessing!
There is so much more to write on this topic. Please let me know if these postings are helpful and you wish to see more. Encouraging wives and wives to be is a passion of mine.
God bless you!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Lord, Send me a husband.

For the single woman that follows this blog, I would like to encourage you to pray. Pray often for your future husband. But first I feel that I need to encourage you to enjoy your singleness. Don't be too anxious to be married that you miss out of the incredible season of singlehood. Use your singleness! Right now you have the opportunity to glorify God in ways that you wont be able to once you are married.
Here are some things to pray and think about concerning your future mate.
  • His heart. You don't just want a saved man you want a changed man that will lead a you and your family in a way that pleases the Lord. This also includes His values and priorities. If he does not put God first in your relationship before marriage this is a HUGE red flag!
  • His family. This is one that is many times over looked but you do marry the family as well. Pray for his parents and siblings and the relationship between you and them. Problems between you and the in-laws will cause problems between you and your husband almost 100% of the time.
  • His spiritual growth. A man who is constantly growing spiritually is the man you want! Pay close attention to his personal life. Don't just listen to what he says but watch what he does. His actions and priorities are results from his spiritual growth or lack thereof.
  • His protection. This includes sexual purity and spiritual battles that he faces. Pray that he will make good choices and stay far away from people and places that would encourage him to sin. A pure past helps to make a more pleasant future.
I hope you find this helpful. God Bless You!

Walk with me!

Now that the major holidays are out of the way and the new year has come, Erik and I have decided that we need to walk at least a little bit everyday. We have been wanting to find time to exercise with each other, but with a Pastors unpredictable shcedual this has been a challenge. A shorter Lunch brake and a walk around our development has been our solution for the last week and it seems to be the answer to our dilemma. It has been a great time, just walking and talking. Its so important that couples take the time to do things together. Wither it be a hobby or sport you both enjoy, if it gets outside and moving, make time for it! It strengthens your relationship and your body. Praise the Lord for He is good!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tips for Organizing the Dreaded Junk Drawer!

1.empty drawer completely, throwing out the junk and makeing a list of needed items for your next shopping day.
2. vacuum or wipe out the drawer.
3. Test all pen's and markers, throw out the duds, and sharpen pencils.
4. Find a shallow box or container(ex. greeting card box bottom and top or plastic tub) to put loose items in(ex.pen's, paper clips, nails, twistie tie's etc.) .
5.Place the least used items towards the back and the commonly used objects like scissors, tape and clothes pins in the front.

*The larger your junk drawer, the more junk you will accumulate! Choose a smaller drawer if this is your problem.
*Never use this drawer for storing important or expensive items such as keys, bill's, phone numbers or cell phone.
*Make sure that everything in the junk drawer is family accessible. If something is off limits or Dad's only, place it accordingly, but not in this drawer!
*Reorganize and check inventory of the junk drawer as needed but keep up on it. don't let it get out of control. This will help keep "loosing things" and unnecessary frustration to a minimum.