Hi, I'm Beth Hanson. Welcome to Housewife Harmony.
Housewife Harmony is set up to encourage christain wives and young ladies,(wives to be) to love their husbands and be the keeper of the home that God wants us to be.
I hope you find these ideas and personal challenges helpful and encouraging.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hospitality Pt.2:" Be our guest "mentality

First of all, I feel that I should tell you that I'm not the perfect hostess nor am I the most gracious guest. In fact, my mistakes and misunderstandings of hospitality have been used more then anything else to teach me what not to do. My purpose in writing these articles is to help other woman to avoid making the same unintentional offenses that I have made. I just wish that I would have learned these lessons earlier....it would have saved   many others from being offended by my actions and myself much grief and embarrassment.
There are two basic forms of hospitality in the USA that I am aware of....(there are probably more but I just haven't discovered them yet). The first is what I have titled "Be Our Guest" style. The second style is what I have titled "one of the family" style (part three will explain). The "be our guest" style is based on a high respect for ones guest/'s and with that comes certain rules or proper etiquette. For example, guests get served first. If you have seen "The Beauty and the Beast" they sing a song called " Be our guest". One of the lines says...." tie your napkin round your neck sherry and we provide the rest. Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeurvre's, why we only live to serve...." and "For the company its never second best..." Anyways it's a great song, it shows how a guest should be treated simply because their your guest!
For the Hostess:
  • You should always honor your guests, whether they are a child, your family, friends or a dignitary. It is simply the right thing to do.*(1 Peter 2:17)
  •  Meals should be kept with your guests tastes and dietary needs  in mind. 
  • As hosts, your family's manners should be kept at a higher standard. 
  • The old saying "the customer is always right" also applies to your guest as well.
  • If they have a need, provide it. *(Proverbs 21:26)
  • If they break something, forgive it.  *(Matthew 5:7)
  • If they want to sleep in, let them. 
  • Never ask or expect your guests  to set your table, do the dishes or help you prepare the meal. Guests are guests, not the hosts and certainly not kitchen help. If they do ask and insist on helping you, let them, but never expect it. *(Acts 20:35, 2 Corinthians 9:7)
  • When it comes to correcting/disciplining your children, do so as descretly as possible. Never yell at or spank the child in hearing distance of your guests. Or at least not in the same room. This can make your guests feel very uncomfortable....yeah, Ive been there when the room gets deathly silent and no one knows weather to feel bad for the child or  ignore the awkward situation.
For the Invited Guest:
  • When you are the guest you too should be on your best behavior.
  • When you are first invited be sure to ask if she would like you to bring a dish to pass. *(Matthew 10:8)
  •  Don't expect to be treated like royalty, ask your hostess if she needs help in the kitchen. *(Proverb 11:25)
  •  Be mindful of where your children are and what their up to. 
  • Be thankful to the Lord and show your appreciation to your hostess with either a verbal thank you, thank you note, hostess gift or all three. *(1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 5:20)
For everyone:
  • "Treat others in a way that you yourself would like to be treated !"....this accompanied by love covers a multitude of sins.
I realize that what I have written is nothing new, just reminders, but don't we all need reminders of what is good and proper once on a while?

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