Hi, I'm Beth Hanson. Welcome to Housewife Harmony.
Housewife Harmony is set up to encourage christain wives and young ladies,(wives to be) to love their husbands and be the keeper of the home that God wants us to be.
I hope you find these ideas and personal challenges helpful and encouraging.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A spring cleaning check list

Everyone's spring cleaning list is going to look a little different. some long, some short, probably depending on how big your house, garage, yard is, etc. What I wanted to accomplish today was to give you a list of some things you may not have thought about but really should be done. If your list ends up being too long break it up and do one or two things a day or half the list and do another extensive cleaning in the fall as well.

  • Get rid of the junk! (As you go through the rooms make a pile of unwanted,old and unused items. Plan a yard sale or donate to a charity).
  • Vacuum and wash floor behind refrigerator and oven.
  • Wipe down cabiatry with a Murfy oil and water solution.
  • Wash the tops of fan blades, take down glass light shades and wash in hot soapy water.
  • Unscrew the vent in your dryer and vacuum out gobs of wayward lint. (not getting it out is a fire hazard.)!
  • Wash all plates and crystal in the china cabinet.
  • Brush away cob webs in corners. ( Wrap a cloth around a broom).
  • Wash the inside of the vanity mirror. ( toothpaste grime is not attractive).
  • Take down all curtins, wash, dry, and iron. (It's a pain but you will be so glad you did)!
  • Vacuum underneath the beds. (I'm always so amazed how dirty it gets under there and I always find about a dozen bobby pins).
  • Clean out toaster. (This should be done every month).
  • Scrub deck and/or porch. (Get the green off). ( also wash and wipe down all outside furniture).
I hope I gave you at least one new idea for your list. Be sure to set a goal....a realistic goal. Don't try to get everything done in less then a week. Pace yourself. Meals still have to me made, family time needs to be in the mix and most impotent of all, spending time alone with God has to be a priority. 

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